The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a hinge joint which connects the mandible (jaw) to the temporal bone of the skull. The temporal bone comprises part of the side of the skull.  When a problem occurs with the joint mechanism you get TMD (Temporomandibular Disorder).  Many people  refer to it as TMJ.

This disorder can arise due to trauma to the jaw, neck or head including whiplash injuries and sports related incidents. People who clench their teeth or grind their teeth at night also have a higher incidence of TMD. It has also been associated with opening the mouth too wide to chew or excessively chewing gum.

Symptoms of TMJ can include jaw clicking, jaw pain, difficulty chewing or biting, difficulty opening the mouth wide, ear pain and headaches.

Gentle chiropractic adjustments can offer fast and effective relief.

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